The interface for both MSB and
LSB bit-readers. Provides a bit-level information extraction from
densely-packed bitstreams. This interface provides up to a maximum of 32-bit reads at a time, the largest
bitwise-safe integer size.
Peek at the next n bits in the bitstream. n must be ≤ 32.
n: number
Returns number
Error if n > 32
read32(n): number
Read the next n bits from the bitstream, and then advance the bitstream by n bits. Equivalent to a
BitReader.peek32 following by a BitReader.skip. n must be ≤ 32.
The interface for both MSB and LSB bit-readers. Provides a bit-level information extraction from densely-packed bitstreams. This interface provides up to a maximum of 32-bit reads at a time, the largest bitwise-safe integer size.